Thoughts control matter

Thoughts are real and have a direct effect on the body. Our thoughts are powerful. In fact, we can influence our emotions and emotions by means of thoughts and thus decisively control our well-being. We all experience daily, hourly, minute, what is the effect of thoughts on our body. Every day more than 80000 thoughts go through our heads. All these thoughts have an influence on our emotions and consequently on our behavior.

What exactly happens here? Only when we can understand we can influence and change things.
Every thought triggers a biochemical reaction in the brain, which causes the brain to release chemical signals - as messengers of thought - to the body. In other words, every thought creates a chemical messenger that leads to a very specific feeling and ultimately to a certain emotion. Our body feels by means of these messengers (neurotransmitters) how we think. For example, positive thinking, our brain produces messengers that elicit joyful and inspiring feelings. A well known messenger is dopamine. If a pleasant experience prevails, the brain pours out dopamine to match the body to the joyous event. In the same way, the brain produces the corresponding neurotransmitters, which cause anger, worries and hatred.

How is it going on?
The brain registers when the body reacts with a feeling on thoughts. The brain evaluates the feelings. As a result of physical sensations (feelings), the brain produces the corresponding thoughts, which in turn emit the appropriate messengers. In other words, we think what we feel. We feel what we think. Thinking generates feelings, feelings generate thoughts. Continually.
This loop has a decisive influence on how we feel and behave fundamentally as our "being" is.

Thus one can understand why some people hang in permanent loops and can not get out of the circuit. For example, in the loop lacking self-awareness and thinking I have not earned it or I am not wise, the brain produces messengers that trigger in the body the feeling of lack of self-awareness, of insecurity. So the body feels like he thinks. If the body feels insecure, he'll start thinking about how he feels. This circuit is rocking and solidifying.

What do we learn from it?
The more frequently we have thoughts, which lead to the distribution of the same messengers, the stronger we are physically influenced by our thoughts. Conscious thoughts manifest themselves over a period of time to an unconscious mind. These unconscious patterns of thought, however, become our unconscious "being-patterns," a reality. Every thought, whether conscious or unconscious, produces biochemical reactions that trigger certain behaviors. These recurring behaviors become behavioral patterns and solidify neurologically in the brain.

Everyone can experience and feel the behavioral changes that are triggered by thoughts. With every change of feeling, the tone of the vegetative nervous system changes. This in turn causes, depending on the situation, e.g. the pulse and the blood pressure change. Likewise, the hormone balance, the activity of the immune system or the own energy budget are changed.

A small practical example: Imagine yourself as you bite vigorously into a lemon and observe your physical reactions. Fascinating.

What can we do to dissolve the patterns of thought?
It takes a lot of time and attention to leave the cycle of unconscious thinking. The first step is to raise awareness of this routine and to break it. This we can afford with self reflection. In many cases we need help from third parties to recognize these patterns. The next step is to learn to perceive the thoughts without reacting to them. This prevents the biochemical processes that cause certain emotions. In other words, we must learn to distance ourselves from the programs. Thus one regains control over itself and its thoughts and can interrupt the neurological connections.

Neuroscience shows us impressively that thoughts in the brain trigger chemical reactions. Our thoughts go into the matter of our bodies. Our beliefs are real, and what I think has a direct impact on my health and my life brings us to the realization that thinking can bring us into trouble. Self-reflection and the inner attitude as well as change the thinking, brings us back our health, joy of life or also our focus again.

Train your thoughts.

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